Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Art Gallery Second Showing!

Sorry for the late post, but here is the photos of my second showing of my artwork! 
This time around, it was a better turn out then the last one..
I'm so happy with the results and all the support I received. 
Hopefully this is the beginning to something really great!
I'm going to keep working on my artwork and not giving up on my dreams! I'm so excited to see whats in store for me in the future. 
So enjoy! Thanks for the support!


A dog had walked in out of no where lol

Friday, September 20, 2013

My artwork has a Facebook Page!

If you enjoy my Artwork and would love to continue to view my paintings and stuff 
LIKE MY PAGE! (Please)

So Excited!

I'm finally in a Art Gallery! YAY!

The name of the gallery is called Lucid Gallery! 
I had two showings in the month of September. 
My first showing was the 6th 
It was kinda like a preview showing to feel out the layout of my paintings, However I did decided to change the layout completely for the second showing. 
All in all I had a good experience, after all, it is my first time EVER displaying my artwork in a gallery. 
I was so freaking Nervous! I was worried about the overall outcome and if people would really like my stuff... I had a lot of compliments! It really was a great turn out!  In this month I do hope to sell at least one
of my paintings =) 

I added a few photos of that night. 
As for the second showing it is actually Tonight! I will keep you guys posted with more photos! 
Stay Tuned!

My outfit that night

Monday, August 19, 2013

Slow Week...

Hey Readers, 
Its been a slow week for me, I've been working on some art work, like on my last post I am getting ready to present my artwork at an art exhibit, it gets really tedious at times but its what I love to do!  Lately I've noticed that most of the "themes" are  food related, Its not done intentionally, it just what comes to mind, I mean what better to paint then chicks with awesome Delicious food! Am I right?
This One is on wood and acrylic. 
I dont have a name for her yet but for now she is "Cupcake Cutie"
( Oh and if anyone would like to see a certain theme of design just comment the idea below) =) 

Update: August 27th
Finishing up the Painting

Friday, August 2, 2013

Keeping Busy..

Hey Readers, 

I've been keeping busy since I last posted something on my blog.. 
Just wanted to share some paintings I've been working on. 
I'm trying to get some of my art work together so I can get featured at a locate artshow here in Miami 
its really hard to get notice as an artist  when there are A LOT of artist out there, so sometimes I do get discouraged, 
but It doesn't stop me from doing what I love! Maybe one day someone out there will take a liking to my art.
Check out the "Artwork tab" on my blog to see more of my stuff! =) 
Thanks for looking! 

Both of the paintings I will be showing are works in progress (not yet finished) 

This one I call "Pizza Slut"

My second painting I call "Tropicana Chica"

Updated August 9th 

I finally finished one of the paintings I've been working on 
"Pizza Slut Heaven" 
Acrylic on a art board

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Back From Vacation

Hey Readers!
I been on hiatus recently only because I was on Vacation! Now that I'm back I wanted to share my experience!
I decided to visit my best-friend who I've known since middle school, 
She travels a lot because her husbands job and sometimes I never get a chance to see her for long periods of time. So I saved some money and got a plane ticket to Norfolk Virgina!(which is where she lives)
My best friend on the right and me on the left (Middle School)

Just to give you a little bit of my background 
The farthest place I've ever traveled as well last time I was on a airplane was when I visited New York City at the age of 12. I'm 23 now so that makes its around 11 years or so.
You can see Its been a while since I've gone anywhere...other then Orlando(which is only 4-5hrs away from Miami)
Having that said I was extremely excited to visit somewhere I've never been.

Other than being excited about visiting my Bestie, I was starting to feel a bit anxious only because of the airplane ride, I've never had the experience of riding a plane in my adult life.. I just didn't know what to expect. I flew with Jet Blue Airlines, and I have to say it was a smooth and stress free experience.. The great part of the plane was having the privilege to seat next to a window! I felt like a little girl with eyes wide open looking through that window as the plane lifted up in the air, the scenery was breathe taking!
 All in all even though I was extremely nervous, the airplane ride was a piece of cake!
As soon as the plane arrived I instantly felt the difference, having lived in Miami all my life the air there is hot and humid, I was use to seeing the same things over and over again.(beaches, palm trees, etc.)  Its hard to explain, something so simple as air can make a big difference in the way you experience things.
In a way I felt a sense of innocents stepping into a place I knew nothing about.
when my Bestie picked me up, as she was driving back to her home I was becoming that wide eyed little girl  from the plane ride agian.. Everything I saw was more and more exciting! As I think about it now I was only  an hour and fifty minutes plane ride away from home.
Its as if I was in another part of the world.. 

The first couple of days my bestie took me around to see the town of Norfolk where she lives, Got to enjoy just walking around and taking in the environment. Even got to visit a local mall called MacArthur Mall Center, I have to say going to a difference mall was another experience. Even though I've gone to all types of malls in Miami, it was the fact that I've never been to this mall. Got to enjoy Shopping and great company!
Seeing that the weather was so great I got take advantage of wearing whatever I wanted without the worry of dying of heat..  Added bonus was having a sub at my favorite sub place "Firehouse" which was in the mall Food court! (how awesome is that!)
After heading to the mall, Bestie and I also took a day only for Thrift shopping! Even though I didn't find much it was fun either way! 
 Couldn't ask for a better couple of days!

I have to say one of the main highlights of my trip was getting my New tattoo!
It was completely unplanned and unexpected.. Bestie and I were talking about it and I decided hey! I'm on vacation why not?  So I did some research and I decided "Trinity Tattoo" because they had really good reviews plus the artwork was the best I've seen. I've had my mind on the this design for a very long time and I never really had the time to find a good tattoo artist in Miami. I drew this design myself, its pretty much self explanatory (An artist til death)
To sum it up it signifies my passion for art, It will be a constant reminder to me that being an artist will always be apart of who I am no matter what life throws at me.

Finished product

 All healed =)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Thrift Shopaholic


 The title pretty much explains my topic today! 
Thrift shopping!
I have to say I'm obsessed! Its an addiction that I don't want to get rid of.
Since I could remember, I've always enjoyed shopping at thrift stores
 Its definitely the thrill of being able to find things that you wouldn't dream of finding at a retail store. 
Don't get me wrong I love shopping at retail stores like any girl, but If I had to choose I would go to a thrift store any day! Plus as a added bonus, when I'm on a budget it surely helps my wallet.
I'm  constantly being asked how I find the things I buy 
Well to be honest Its pretty much luck 
don't get me wrong sometimes I go a whole day without finding a single thing..
I guess the trick of thrift shopping is not to go in with the intent of finding something 
because when you lease expect it you will come across an item that you didn't even know you wanted 

I wanted to add some photos of some of  my treasures I've collected from a variety of thrift stores 
Hope you enjoy! XoXo Till next time!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A New Start!


Hiya Readers! Welcome! My Name is Veronica

I guess your wondering why the name of my blog is called

I believe myself to be a very open minded person, I'm constantly looking for creative and innovative ways to express myself, either its with art like my drawing above, or with other various ways that I find creative 

so in a way my blog is not just based on one subject or topic but a mixture of wonderful and inspirational things that tickle my mind.