Monday, August 19, 2013

Slow Week...

Hey Readers, 
Its been a slow week for me, I've been working on some art work, like on my last post I am getting ready to present my artwork at an art exhibit, it gets really tedious at times but its what I love to do!  Lately I've noticed that most of the "themes" are  food related, Its not done intentionally, it just what comes to mind, I mean what better to paint then chicks with awesome Delicious food! Am I right?
This One is on wood and acrylic. 
I dont have a name for her yet but for now she is "Cupcake Cutie"
( Oh and if anyone would like to see a certain theme of design just comment the idea below) =) 

Update: August 27th
Finishing up the Painting

Friday, August 2, 2013

Keeping Busy..

Hey Readers, 

I've been keeping busy since I last posted something on my blog.. 
Just wanted to share some paintings I've been working on. 
I'm trying to get some of my art work together so I can get featured at a locate artshow here in Miami 
its really hard to get notice as an artist  when there are A LOT of artist out there, so sometimes I do get discouraged, 
but It doesn't stop me from doing what I love! Maybe one day someone out there will take a liking to my art.
Check out the "Artwork tab" on my blog to see more of my stuff! =) 
Thanks for looking! 

Both of the paintings I will be showing are works in progress (not yet finished) 

This one I call "Pizza Slut"

My second painting I call "Tropicana Chica"

Updated August 9th 

I finally finished one of the paintings I've been working on 
"Pizza Slut Heaven" 
Acrylic on a art board